Sunday, 28 July 2013

2) With all this talk about Destiny, Fate and Influence, what role do you think the witches will have in this play? Are we all subject to our pre-determined destiny? Or can we influence our own future?

During the Act 1 of Macbeth, it seems that there is a lot of talk about destiny, fate and influence. These words outline the first act because of what the witches are talking about with Macbeth and Banquo. They tell Macbeth about how he’ll be the King of Scotland but to his friend, Banquo they come off as cold when they say to him “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none”. When they say that I think they’re trying to tell Banquo that Macbeth will be king and for him, he will be nothing compared to him. The role the witches seem to already be portraying is the people that are messing with nature. And by that I mean, they telling Macbeth about his future when he should obviously wait to see what happens with his own life. I personally do not think that we are all subjected to our pre-determined destiny. In fact I believe that we can all influence our own future. For example, if you do something stupid that ruins the present day, then it can have a huge impact on your future depending on what it is, of course. That is just one example of someone influencing there future. We have the power in our hands, if we want our futures to be bright, we can make that happen and in Macbeth’s case he already saw his future so he obviously went the road of making what he saw happen. 

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